Lesson: GENEROSITY - March 29, 2020

Jesus teaches a lot about being generous. We can find out about it all over the Bible, like in Malachi 3:10, Matthew 6:21, Matthew 19:16-30, Matthew 25:31-36, Mark 12:41-44 and 2 Corinthians 9:7.

Read 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

God calls his family to be generous. God sent Jesus to us, Jesus gave up his life for us. That is GENEROUS. Jesus shows us how to give. When we are generous and give to other people, we show Jesus that we love him.

Click on the image below to watch the video about Generosity.

Lesson video on generosity was created by Crossroad Kids Club.

family conversation: Pre-k

1. Who shared everything and gave his life to rescue us? (Jesus)
2. Does Jesus want us to share and give to others too? (Yes)
3. Why should we be generous and share what we have with others? (Because Jesus wants us to and it shows how much we love him)
4. What things do we have that we could share, or give away to someone who needs it? (Help kids come up with things like toys, food, money, or any thing in their lives that they like)
5. Should we love God more or should we love all the stuff we have? (We should love God more)

Pray together and ask God to help you be generous.

family conversation: K-6th

1. What does it mean to be generous? (to give willingly, more than what’s expected)
2. How was Jesus generous? (he gave up his life to save us)
3. Why can it be hard to be generous? (Consider the rich young ruler.)
4. What does generosity show Jesus, even if we don’t have much to give? (That we love him more than anything money can buy. Consider the poor woman.)
5. There are many ways to be generous. Can you think of some examples? (giving away your time, your help, your money, or being kind to someone. Specific Examples;  Money – find some money on the ground and give it to a friend who needs it, Time – help a grownup with cleaning, instead of playing, Things – share your favorite toy with a younger sibling, Friends – invite somebody you don’t know very well to come hang out with your friends)
6. Why does Jesus want us to be generous? (When we’re generous, it shows Jesus how much we love him. When we give to others, we show that we want to be like Jesus.)

Pray together and ask God to help you be generous.

family challenge: ALL AGES

1. Practice generosity this week by taking some of your time to write a note or draw a picture to mail or take to an elderly home near you. The time you spent making this note or picture will brighten someone’s day!

2. Have your kids work on memorizing 2 Corinthians 9:7
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

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